Urban Bodhi
My career identity has been elusive.  I consider myself a Built Environment Professional because it avoids the pitfalls associated with specialization.  Experience, education and character provide the foundation for my growth into a contributing member of metropolitan prosperity.  I want to be part of good city development.  I want people to function within the places we build through the proper combination of civic policy and physical structures.   

Pragmatism:  Every project, policy or endeavor is valued through its practical consequences.  Only results can validate theories.  This is especially true in urban planning where long-term visions are conflicted by short-term policies.

Collaboration:  Although I have an interest in several subjects I cannot master them all.  Working with others in a professional manner creates growth and consensus for everyone involved.

Concise:  Clarity and brevity facilitates comprehension.

Integrity:  As a professional it is my responsibility to provide the technical services others are depending upon.  Placation is a disservice to the client and the profession.  Adherence to the values and principles I know work ensures a comprehensive and positive result in every endeavor.

Observation:  I’ve learned it’s better to take a moment to watch, listen and process before contributing.  Full comprehension of an issue is necessary to offer proposals for improvement or solutions.

Maturity:  It took a long time to get here but nothing was lost along the way.  I appreciate the path and lessons I’ve learned to discover my interest in urbanism.  Upon reflection, even the smallest event has resonated in some manner to make me what I am today.

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